IoT – Connected Devices and Security

At this point, one can only imagine what life would be like with self driving (autonomous) cars on streets every where. Let’s not forget all the devices including home appliances and electronic items connected via the internet and passing information to one another. Together as a whole also known as Internet Of Things (IoT), all the devices connected together are suppose to make our lives more efficient, automated while being more economical.

But with added benefits of automated homes and offices comes the downside of these devices  getting hacked and bringing down the rest of the network with them. Cyber security companies are rushing to bring out products and services to the market to address these vulnerabilities. Even the IoT device manufacturers send out patches for protection but very few folks actually apply them. There has to be better way, a standard that can protect these IoT devices from external threats.

The fact of the matter is that most manufacturers of these IoT devices intentionally allow remote access for patching, administration, upgrades and bug fixing just to name a few. Most of the users of the these devices on the other hand do not know about these backdoor vulnerabilities.

The manufacturers of these devices along with security companies are trying to find different ways to better protect as well as update these devices. Firewalls are not just for offices anymore. As more and more appliances at home such as our CCTV cameras, TV sets, washing machines and refrigerators get connected on world wide web and become available “online” in addition to the laptops, iPads and smart phones,  placing SOHO (small office home office) firewalls would be a good start to guard against these ever so evolving cyber threats. Talk to the professionals at Silex Systems to get free assessment of your home and office networks against cyber threats today.


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